Taking Thai train Suratthani – Bangkok

Thai Railway is one of transportation that I use a lot.  Taking train traveling between Bangkok and Suratthani could be very cheap. I usually take sleeping train which provided bunk bed with fan if I travel in winter and taking air conditioner one in Sumbmer. It’s comfortable and cheap enough. Train ticket between Bangkok it could be cheap. Fo fan class, it’s less than 500 and for air con, it’s  less than 800. However the price is based on distance.
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Thai Chinese New Year Celebrating

My plan to leave my hometown seems to postpone. I’ve been here for 2 weeks now even I feel strange being a guest of my parents for this long. Anyway, being home during some festivals is nice, because it brings family to be together, have fun and update about things in living.

Yesterday was Chinese New Year and I got invited to my aunt’s house. She married a kind Thai Chinese man who’s become an uncle I really love.

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A dog deserves love and care as same as a person

A dog lover like me can’t stand smart dogs. What I mean with ‘can’t stand’ is, I want to hug them, I want to play with them, and I love them since the first met. This is also happened with “ABC”

ABC is a dog at Hansa Resort where I had a short vacation worked. First day I heard someone called his name “ABC” I was wondering if there is another dog named ‘DEF’ but no, they has another name.

Good friends

Resort’s guess who gives love to ABC as well as other does

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